This game is amazing but there is still stuff to fix.
This game is amazing but there is still stuff to fix.
I personally love the show tanked, when they made this game, I didnt know what to think. But after a couple of days on this. Ill say.... I like it a lot!
wish there was a way to get the other shells without paying
I purchased the shells and got the premium food, but it wont dispense, just a waste of money, the other food works, the 600 clams is way out of reach for children, come on people you need to update this app. They tell you before hand how long a fish goes till when it needs to be fed again but its way off, l need to feed a filefish every 8 hours, but it says it gets fed every 12. They need to give us the option to delete a fish if we want to.
I love the racing game, but I hate having to get the yellow shells! The purple shells are easy,but not the yellow ones! Oh, and the missions are to hard, like pop 600 bubbles in a single bubble game, and the prizes are terrible! They cost real money! Other than that, I love the game.
I like the game but I want to build a tank for clients like the show. Also, I would like to earn seashells rather than buy them, it gets expensive.
App has some fun points but way too limited and too many glitches: No way to remove fish. Sometimes the app sends out a ton of notifications and then other times none. If you cancel after buying something to close out, you still have paid for the item but wont receive it. Only one tank available at a time. So the app has to be purchased to use the app but then you have to pay to access a lot of features on top of that. Why should I have to continuously pay to use an app Ive already purchased the full potential? At least make it possible to earn the extra "money" in the game. This game is a waste of money and kind of puts the show and companies to shame.
I have spend like all my time on the game I check it in morning before bed and after school please make sick time longer so I dont have to do it all the time.
Would not recommend getting this game too many flaws and glitches.
Both easy and fun to play!!!!!!!!!! Loved it!!!!!!!
Grandkids like it but needs games otherwise they may get bored
It you plan it often fun game but if you only play it once a day or less its a never ending battle to keep your fish health which is your main source for coins.
This game is pretty good, but it really has bugs. For instance, Ill be playing the game and then itll just completely close out of it. Also, Ill be trying to like send a pic of my tank and it wouldnt let me, like it closed out of and back to the home page of the game. Also, this is not a bug, but u should still fix this:you r forced to play it every ten hours!!! I dont have that much time to clean the tank, feed all of the fish, and play with them!!!! I mean really?!?!?!! Some people have school and homework and lots of other activities! For me its like first thing when I wake up at 6:00 am I have to take care of my fish, and then right after school again and later in the night like right before I go to bed again, just to make sure my fish arent dead in the morning!!!!!!
I do wish you would add prizes or reward for achievements, like to seashells that you can only purchase. Thats bogus, or maybe you can lower the price once in a while on a random weekend or something so that The purchases more appetizing for us loyal fans that play daily on our free time... Its too expensive with not enough payout~ in just three weeks I have gone as far as I can go, now I am just collecting coins.... Buying random things at the store to fill my tank and see if it promotes me to the next level.... But nothing was on the other side, no bonuses :/
This game is a lot of fun and believe it or not it does imitate a real aquarium tank . However if you are using Wade and Brett as spokespersons then there is something more rotten in Denmark than bad cheese. If these two gentleman are real,than why are they supporting throwing rocks, paper, and empty cans in an aquarium. I am sure that the two would flip out if people did there tanks as such. Also how can you enjoy the game without spending a load of cash. There should be able to trade clams for shells. I myself have had numerous fish tanks and like I said earlier the game really does closely mimic the the care and maintenance of a true aquarium. If there is a way to ease the costs on the game it would help people on limited or government assistance.
Love this
This game is ok, theres not much to do! I go back to play the next day and all my fish are sick and my tank is filthy.
I was so excited to get this app because I love the show tanked! However, you cant do much. Theres only two games and no quests. You also have to wait like 12 hours until you can clean your tank. Lastly, it doesnt explain what the shells are. So far, I have none I think you have to pay extra money just to get money to spend in the game, so you cant even get everything!!! Its not worth a dollar until they get an upgrade.
Installed game and started tutorial. Game wanted me to buy a fish and thats all the game would do. Cant buy fish or continue on. This was a waste of money.
Its a good game u should add where u can breed the fish and also put in salt water fish and fresh water fish make it more exciting add like jellyfish or sharks or star fish some thing interesting and make it where u can earn gold shells and get the better breed of fish with cash or gold clams